Bad days at work.
So I got up late again
And I take the same old highway into work
I go to the meeting where I?m told what needs to be done
I get stuck doing stuff I think someone else could do
I know that I should cheerfully work, but that’s hard to do
When I?m done at that school I go back up the highway
And up the Big Rock road
I enter the high school, and smell the, oh so pleasant, smell of cafeteria food
I take two seconds to hear what wrong for the day
And I book my self to lunch where I try and forget the day
At lunch all they do is complain about the world
They have no hope, no desire, just to try and make it in the world
I pray that they ask me, what makes me tick
So I can tell them of the desire to live for God
I also pray for myself, that I can show the desires of God
After lunch, is when all H, E, double hockey sticks, breaks out
I get dragged in five different directions at once
Computers 5, 7, 9 don’t work in room 123
All the new computers don’t do this and that right
And my email won’t send to who I want, but works fine for the people I don’t want to…
At this point I want to literally
Run through the halls of my high school,
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
So I scream it to my friends online
It?s all good, God takes the rest
I finally leave, get to my other job
Where I finally take a breather for the day
All is good, and good is all
Thank you God, for another good day.