I have been reading “The Next Generation Leader” in chapter three Andy Stanley challenges the reader to create a “dream job” description. I happily took up the challenge, sat down, and started thinking. This is what I came up with :
Public high school IT specialist and teacher.
Oversees the IT throughout school (or district) * Teaches students to troubleshoot and implement the newest in information technologies and network technology * Trains student groups to administer and troubleshoot technology and communicate with school staff * Is head administrator for school IT systems * Creates curriculum to fulfill a number of different IT certifications * Uses real-life “live” situations to train and teach students troubleshooting, problem solving, and communication skills for the future * Is responsible for maintaining all network needs of staff and students * Works with teams of students and other staff to provide help desk for staff and students
I like it! I want that job.
You may be wondering; how does that have anything to with ministry? I want to work in a place with influence and a public high school has plenty of people to influence that is my main ministry. Then as for a more “traditional” ministry I see myself being some kind of pastor for the non-traditional kind of people (maybe speaking at an “alternative” service or something), for a local church where our group could disciple the students I create a relationship with, and where my ministry team can provide an environment for discipleship.
Where does Zakopane, Poland fit into all of this? I want to create a relationship with the church(s) here so in the future I could help establish a mission program for young adults and youth. Maybe even some kind of internship exchange program, where we can send young adults from Seattle to Zakopane, and visa-versa so we can create a true kingdom culture which spreads across cultures, and national borders — God’s kingdom culture does not know of such things.
God’s purpose was that we who were the first to trust in Christ should praise our glorious God. [Ephesians 1:12]