An amazing Birthday

I received more gifts today than any other Birthday I can ever remember, amazing! Alexis and I were also able to share what God has put on our hearts, to share the foundation of our relationship with others. It was truly an amazing time, I cried at least three times, and felt the urge a number of other times. The hardest time was talking about the importance of fellowship and accountability with my other awesome guy friends, I just could not control myself and the tears flowed, I miss all of them. My heart is full of love, not to “convert” people but simply lend an ear, someone who can be asked questions safely, someone who is real. I am sure that is what happened tonight, even if it is only philosophy for some. My relationship with Alexis is the best thing to happen to me, it is stretching me to be a better human, and it is helping me became closer to God. I would have been completely fine to live a life like Paul, who never married, but now I know that marriages are just as blessed and together Alexis and I can make a difference for those who are seeking to be fulfilled.

I have no agenda to do anything more than be the person God would want me to be, I have no pressure of “converting” anyone, I only wish to show them my life, and invite them to have the same rock as I do. I will live one-step at a time, with Jesus lighting each step. Sometimes I think, “If God didn’t exist what a sad life, you live, then die, no purpose” I refuse to believe that, at least I live a life of hope and purpose.
*thank you Alexis *thank you Sabina *thank you Ryan *thank you Denise and Carol *thanks everyone who came!

Listening to: This Is Your Life – Switchfoot – The Beautiful Let Down