I have been struggling with the idea of fundraising for a long time now. One part of me would like to do some tent making after we move to Poland, or find some way of supporting our selves, the other part really does not want to take time away from ministry.
So I struggle with asking for funds because I am an independent person, I struggle with not asking because my heart wants to be available for full-time ministry. The truth is that we must find a balance between being funded from outside and doing tent-making. Full-time missions and ministry will certainly become much harder in the years ahead, and I’m sure that if we are anywhere near the end-times it won’t even be possible.
I’m glad that I have skills that can be used all around the world, who knows, maybe my company will expand to Europe, maybe it won’t, but maybe I can become the remote admin or something. There’s a lot of things I could do.
Thinking back though I should also hold onto a promise we heard God tell us a few years ago, that we would be sent, with full financial and authoritative support from our church body. Right now though, that’s just a glimmer, we haven’t started any formal process, except leading small teams on short trips. What does full financial support look like? I guess that is the real question. Is it a job? Is it committed donors?
We don’t want to be independent, we want to be inter-dependent on God and his body, and the gifts he’s given us. So the honey? It’s the sweet reasurance of God’s provision and hand in the unknown. With the knowledge and faith of all that he has given and continues to provide.