Two years from now

God willing, two years from now we’ll be on our way out of the United States and on our way to Poland, permanently.  September 2010, is the month we’re looking at for moving to Kraków.  There’s just one last item to be passed through our Church council for us to begin perma-fundraising, and for us to start putting away into our departure fund.  I certainly feel (as does Alexis too) split on this, one part of us is very excited, and our spirits rejoice that what God is calling us to do is becoming reality, the other part of us is slowly grieving, our friends, our small group, our church family, all of it, to be less in touch, and so far removed.

Then there’s the reality of reering children in a foreign place, schools, friends, church, etc… our church family here is amazing in these areas, and we’re going some place where it’s very minimal, if at all.  In the end though, with each trip, it is harder and harder to leave, Kraków feels more and more to be the right place.