Tweets for the past week

  • I don't think I'm very good at Yahtzee! My first game and score: #
  • Almost back to Seattle to pickup Emma from Oma then drive back to Portland… eta midnight. #
  • Back to "normal" life – it's raining in downtown Portland and the sun is out. Forward motion has begun. #
  • @marcustar For what exactly? is awesome for international flights 🙂 in reply to marcustar #
  • Can't wait for the weekend! Lots of time w/ Friends, both old and new. @hyperpepsi16 Can't wait! #
  • An unplanned lazy day, good thing because I've felt like I needed a nap all day. #
  • You know, trusting God in life, & other people, always produces good. It's just hard to listen and learn, burnt flesh doesn't smell good. #