Tweets for the past week

  • Living beyond behavior, instead, choosing to be in the identity of the One who sees and loves past behavior. #
  • For sale: heavy duty desk, wall-mounted shelves and cabinet, large filing drawers, u-shaped, good condition? #
  • I hate it when I need a restroom on the MAX 🙁 I guess I could do what some do, no thanks I'll hold it. #
  • @ledub13 I'm sure the $6 million bonus is on its way 😉 #
  • Some courtesy pls. Someone blasting their music & two people cussing and speaking very loudly on their cells. #trimet #stopbeingrude #love #
  • @romanmir yup doesn't it? in reply to romanmir #
  • @LeafandInk yes imagine! #seeingbeyondbehavior in reply to LeafandInk #
  • I need some frutis and veggies… I think I'm having a low of something. #
  • Is something really a value or priority if you can't see it on your schedule? #
  • Oh fun on a MAX train with some crazy guy yelling at the top of his lungs DIE! GOT A DOLLAR? #
  • Sweet! Just updated my Android to 2.2.1 with Cyanogen 6.1 rc1 and now have HSPA speed (3G+/4G). Thought that reqrd new phone, nope! #
  • @divinediscount T-Mobile MyTouch #
  • @romanmir T-Mobile MyTouch #