Tweets for the past week

  • This weekend has turned me into an ice coffee factory… have one caraffe made and another chilling. #
  • It might just be me, but I think the sun made today go faster… or it was the 100s of non-ending questions I had to answer :/ #
  • Confirmed, time goes by faster when it's sunny outside. #pdx #cloudytoday #
  • I can make a choice to feel jealous, realize I don't need/want whatever it is, or step it up and say to myself "I'm going that way!" #
  • @carlybish UGGG yes it is. 🙁 The last couple of times this happened to me I found my wallet/cards a day or 2 after the new card(s) arrived! #
  • @PDXGoonie Sweet picture! #
  • ranks Seattle at 7th and PDX at 10th for transit access, not bad #PNW #trimet #metrokc #SEA #PDX #