No matter what I do, what I hear, what I see, what I say or how I react, I will always continue to get closer to people and to God.

I don?t always know who my friends are; I don?t always treat my friends like friends.

I don?t always know if I?m hearing God or my self; I don?t always listen to God when I do know.

I don?t always understand people; sometimes I don?t try to understand people.

I don?t always feel love from others; I don?t always display love towards others.

People who know how to communicate good I admire; sometimes I don?t like what people have to say.

Sometimes I just look out at the earth, and I see pure beauty, the mountains are awesome, the sun reflects off the water, the sky is blue, the birds sing, the squirrels play. Other times I look at the city and I see amazing structures of man, the reflection of the mountains, water and sky off the buildings is amazing. Both the creations of Man and God are amazing, but God?s are awesome, and they were created divinely.

When I start to get confused about life, people and God, I just have to calm down, stop thinking and look around me. I think god created the ?keep it simple? rule, when you make life too complicated it will get confusing.

I will always be there for my friends, and family. I will always look for the opportunity to serve people and to meet their needs. I will be a servant to others and to the Lord. Although I can hardly get up in the morning for work, my desire is to serve people. Whatever you need, if I can do it, I will.

.: prayers, prayer requests :.

Father God you fill my heart with your awesome love and glory!

I ask for you to give me the passion and desire to serve people everyday, I want to be in your will, I want to serve you and your people. Lord, I ask for the opportunity to show your love and life to all I meet and interact with for the rest of my days here. I also ask that you put people in my life who will challenge me; and others who will be there for accountability.

Lord I thank you for giving me the power to overcome my sins the last few weeks, I thank you for your grace and forgiveness, help me to continue this path of change and discovery of who you really are and to do your work. I ask for continued support every day, I know I can fall anytime, but I don?t want to, I want to live in freedom and you have provided me that path. Your love endures forever your kingdom reigns forever, you remain the same, you are never changing, THANKS!

Thank you Lord for my friends, each and every one of them! I am so thankful for them, they have all helped me in some way to grow and become a better person. But, even though they are all awesome, I ask for a brother who I can be specifically accountable with, a brother who may also need the same accountability. Lord I also pray for whoever my future wife is, I simply lift her up and I pray that your power and love just pour into her life and the life of her friends. I pray for all the people I will be meeting when I go to Poland, Lord I ask for you to give me the courage and the wisdom to talk to people here at home about what you have asked me to do for you. I ask you to just prepare everyone for the next 2 years of many changes and I ask for you to be with me, all my friends and family, and to never have any of us leave you, I ask for your protection too. Thank you lord.

In my Savior?s Name, Jesus Christ,


Jesus Teaches about Asking, Looking, Knocking [Mathew 7:7-11]

?Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks. You parents–if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.?

The Golden Rule [Mathew 7:12]

?Do for others what you would like them to do for you. This is a summary of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.?