Let’s just pray for our nation and troops.

These last few weeks having been interesting, lots people are upset at President Bush. How many chances does one need to give to another? I know Jesus said to forgive 70×70 which is basically to never stop forgiving, and to turn the other cheek when someone hits you. But I still believe (and I must admit at the moment I have no scripture to back this up) that if someone refuses to change (or repent) then consequences will happen, and that God is for justice. But because we are humans with sin, we all have to suffer consequences of war, life is not fair, innocent people will die, but sometimes you have to fight for peace and justice. I know oil is a part of the current crisis but our president is a follower of Christ, and even if he is the weakest follower of Christ, I am sure he understands, and has prayed and asked for guidance over these matters, including the human ones. No one ever wants war, but it takes ALL sides to make peace. Our world will never have true peace, not until Christ returns, so in the mean time we will need to do our best to be Christ-like (not that war is, but it takes all to do it, and not everyone is following), and practice justice as much as possible. I do believe we can interpret the bible fairly, and with accuracy because God has given us his Holy Spirit, and in scripture it says WITH the Holy Spirit we can discern the truth from the lies. Even though I probably would have gone about things differently (and I will say I am not qualified to even make those decisions, but if I were) if it had gotten to this point, I would be doing the same thing as President Bush, that?s a big IF, but that?s what I would do.

Dear God,

I pray for all of your power, all of your mercy, and all of your grace to fall upon the people of Iraq, the people of the United States, and the people of this world you have created. I pray for every person following you who is in this battle to seek your guidance, for everyone who is not following you to seek you, and your truth. Let your light shine upon Iraq and everyone in it. Let your love over come our soldiers and the people of Iraq, may this battle be about humans, their souls and waking their spirits. Let your GLORY fall over everyone, and may they all come to know you better.

So be it.

My Creed Part II

My Creed Part II See Part I

Specifics; I can and most likely will change it.

Sin is the denial of the Holy Spirit; blasphemy is the denial of the Holy Spirit forever until death. I believe we all inherit sin because of the fall of Adam and Eve. We all have a natural desire to sin, because it is fun in the moment. But I truly believe true peace and happiness comes from denying sin from our lives, it?s hard in the moment but the effect is life lasting.

30 Anyone who isn’t helping me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.

31 “Every sin or blasphemy can be forgiven–except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which can never be forgiven. 32 Anyone who blasphemes against me, the Son of Man, can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come.

[Matthew 12:30-32]

If we follow the Holy Spirit?s guidance, which for me comes in the form of an emotion which I can?t explain right away, then we will feel God?s peace. We should all focus on listening to God?s Spirit. What does it sound like to you, us, and me? All sin is equal; the consequences are different, which in our linear lives may make sins appear they have different values.

Instead of fretting over weather or not you are sinning, or if this is sin or whatever, just love God and Love people. Ask your self; are my actions showing God?s love? Are my actions loving of others? If you mess up, from your heart ask for forgiveness, God will grant it, and his mercy will be yours. I believe Jesus was telling us the ultimate way in which to live was to love God and to love others. If we just filter our lives with through those verses then we can live a life which glorifies God and which God can bless us. No matter where your passion is, sports, technology, people, any kind of movement, filter it with love of God and others and I believe with all my heart, and I know it to be true, our lives will be blessed, maybe not a bed of roses but we will grow and become better humans, and later rewarded in heaven.

~ to be continued ~

The toilet attacked me!

Nature was calling just a few moments ago, so I went to my bathroom which is only a few yards away, I prepare myself, then I realize I have no toilet paper, so just before I sit down I pull my pants back up and button them barely enough for them to sit on my waste. I run to our utility room and grab a roll of toilet paper, okay all is good.

So now I was sitting on the toilet, doing the business that guys do when it requires them to sit. I was thinking about life and kind of zoned out in my own little world, while my body disposed of what it didn?t want. I get up from the seat, and I step in some liquid, unbenouced to me, my body apparently leaked. So in the moment of embarrassment between God and myself, I look down at my pant leg, and it is completely soaked with urine, yay for me. How on earth did I do this? I ask my self. I still have no idea, but as soon as I took of my pants to take them to the washer machine, I open my door (while standing in my boxers) and I heard my roommates voice (I wasn?t aware anybody was home) and then I see his girl friend, and quickly shut the door just enough to tell them I?ll be right out. I quickly grab a pair of jeans, throw them on, and put the other ?leaked upon? jeans into the washer machine. How on earth do I manage to do things like this.

Where is your focus?

I am your friend, why do you need to get on the defense?

I am a brother in Christ, why do you not trust what I have to say?

I am hurt by your reactions, I guess I misunderstand you.

I can’t explain how I feel, but I know it’s the truth.

My heart is hurting for you, I tremble when I think of losing you.

I cried last night, I prayed last night, I am here, where are you?

5 So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life. Then your faith will produce a life of moral excellence. A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better. 6 Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control leads to patient endurance, and patient endurance leads to godliness. 7 Godliness leads to love for other Christians, and finally you will grow to have genuine love for everyone. 8 The more you grow like this, the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

[2 Peter 1:5-8]

You are my friend.

My Creed Part I

My Creed

Completely open to debate, interpretation, questions, and I can and most likely will change it.

I know Jesus Christ is the son of God; he was born of Mary a Virgin in the ancient town of Bethlehem. The reason he was male is because the culture at the time did not allow the education of Women, therefore to have a daughter of God would have been ineffective in that culture. I believe the entire Bible was inspired by God, but just as we do today, was filtered through the cultural knowledge of the writers, this is why it is so important to study the biblical culture so we can interpret God’s words accordingly; this is why I read the New Living Translation. Jesus came to Earth to set the story straight, he came to let us know God loves us, and more than anything he wants us to love him.

34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

[Mathew 22:34-40]

The person asking this question was referring the Ten Commandments, of which you can break into two parts, one part is about loving God and the other is about loving others.

I absolutely believe that if every Christian followed these commandments from their hearts, not because they want to please God, but because they want to love God, which in turn will please God, then the world would come to know Christ.

I believe that all humans have a spirit, some dead, some alive, and some stagnate. In order to grow your spirit, and become closer to God (because he is always calling us closer), we must make an effort to fellowship with other Christians who are stronger than ourselves. In fact, I feel so strongly about this, I challenge anyone who reads this to make that a commitment in their lives, get to know stronger Christians, and don’t expect them to approach you, just like learning to walk, you must take the first step on your own.

~ to be continued ~

Part II

What am I to do

Where am I going

How do I get there

When do I start

Am I suppose to just sit here

I am more than this world has made

I refuse to be molded into the groove

All I want is to serve you

I don’t want to be an idol

I want to know you and show you

It is you we live for

It is you we long to serve

It is you I want to honor

Blog Dreams?

So, I had this dream early this morning, in that “about to wake up” state. It was a dream about blogging, and I was full of fear. I dreamed that I was checking for comments, well I had comments alright, over 1000 on the two posts before this. But I was freaked to look at them, so I never did.