Good god, school is done.
Well I left Cascadia for the last time today, well at least for a year and a half. This has been an interesting time in my life. I remember going into Cascadia’s temporary offices back in the summer of 2000, it was a small office near the Seattle Times building in Bothell. I took the tests, did my own registration, and I was so excited to be attending the newest community college in the state of Washington in like 20 years. Well, one of my first classes was a 6:30 in the morning web development class (a pre req for network support), boy I told my self I would never take a 6:30 class, you know what, I did, and I hated it. I even took a couple of Saturday classes in my years at Cascadia, and I hated those too.
I’ve been at Cascadia for three years, and I still don?t have an associate’s degree, but I have a lot in my head that I’ve learned. One is? I am really awful at Math and if I ever take it again, I’m taking only math that quarter. I do best when I have a friend in the class, it motivates me to actually go to class and do the work. I’ve learned to do things on my own even more. I love the college scene, even though at a community college it’s kind of lame, you don’t live there so many students don?t really care about it. I’ve seen Cascadia go from a school of 1200 to a school of 3000 +, go from bear cement floors (which I liked) to carpeted floors (which made it a lot quieter), and have many other things done to it.
But the best thing of all about Cascadia was Campus Crusade. I have no idea how much I have learned and changed because of CRU (Campus CRUsade). God used CRU so amazingly in my life. Because of CRU I became more independent, but at the same time a person who truly cared and wanted to be meet the needs of others. CRU helped me develop into a leader, into someone who could facilitate events, and work in a team. I have met some awesome friends through CRU, many of them are going to be life time friends, if not friends eternally. I will always remember the CRU winter and fall conferences. I just ask for god’s blessing on CRU at Cascadia and all other campuses around the world. It truly is an awesome ministry, and I just ask for God’s holy spirit to live and dwell and guide all who are seeking after him. I ask for every student at Cascadia to think and listen for God, and let the Holy Spirit come upon them, so they can make the choice to follow Christ.
I will miss CRU, I will miss Cascadia, and I will miss the people most of all. But I know God is calling me to different places for now. But who knows, I have a special place for Cascadia in my heart, we’ll see where God leads me.