The man I want to be

Since last September, I have been in many places, spiritually speaking. However, through all of this I have discovered who the man inside of me is. He is a person God created to be full of life, to be fully alive. This man is created to move full steam into the glorious life of his creator. This man is created to live in God’s kingdom, not in his own. God’s hands build his kingdom God’s hands give life. This man does not build his own kingdom, there is no point, true life comes from living in the kingdom already made. This man wants to step up to the plate and stand on God’s promise. This man wants to pray to seek God’s face. This man wants to honor woman, to think of them as equals, submit to them in God’s ways. This man wants to live in a way that shows the world integrity. This man wants to live sexually pure, with integrity that cannot be taken. This man will be humble with his whole life. This man will treat all people as God’s creation. This man wants to be in the light as you are in the light. This man despises his own behavior. This man calls his Lord the rock of his life; he wields a life of grace.

Listening to: Life of Praise – Casting Crowns – Casting Crowns