This week’s thoughts.

  • sometimes it’s just easier to set my sights on heaven and the reality that is coming. #
  • The sun is SO distracting . #
  • Ready to enjoy the ride home in the sun. #
  • Time to add more music to my phone again. #
  • Today’s maddness: Mr. Whiney who doesn’t understand email at all, guy with a “BOB” server, and lady who wants details that are impossible. #
  • I think I’m beginning to find the joy in long suffering! #
  • Can I be “seeker sensitive”, openly Jesus focused, and relavent to all? #
  • \o/ <– me tonight. #
  • A whole lotta talking, and not a lotta of doing – or is the talking today’s doing? #
  • This is one of those days where the time flies! And nothing significant has been accomplished 🙁 #
  • almost… outta here… #
  • and I’m outta here- wish us luck on the I5 jungle going north. Pike place, alkai, and maybe Golden Gardens! #
  • at the Seattle folk life festival! #
  • had some Chinese food and went bowling with friends we wish we could live closer and enjoy more time with! #