- Any guys out there that want to go to the Foursquare Northwest Men's retreat? http://bit.ly/9Sa9er #
- Can't wait for our furniture to get delivered! Tomorrow night we sleep on a real mattress again! #
- Note to self: Remember to wash face *after* shaving… #
- copy/paste, ctrl+c/ctrl+v – repeat – 5 x 154 #
- I have now completed pressing ctrl+c/ctrl+v 770 times… yay. #
- RELIEVED RT @KATUNews: AP: Christian minister in FL cancels plan 2 burn Qurans on Sept. 11, heeding 2 outcry. More details soon on KATU.com. #
- @LeafandInk Ha ha! so true… ug… @marcustar wrote a good blog entry about this thing! in reply to LeafandInk #
- @LeafandInk ah ok… 🙂 that was out loud… hehe.. in reply to LeafandInk #
- @Fanchon hmm… we shall see. Somehow I think his "conversation" might not turn out. in reply to Fanchon #
- I think it's time I open up a twttr acct 4 my wife, & we need 2 get Google voice, simply b/c the Call Box @ R new aprt wnt call lng distance #
- "It is not good for man to be alone" why? Seeking both funny and thoughtful commentary. #
- Going on a spontaneous day trip to Seaside! Picnicking there to save $, today's forecast 70 degrees and mostly sunny. #awesome #beach #