Where are we?

I hear many people say “the church is not a building, it is the people.” But, what does that mean? Michelle at Seeking Serenity brought up this interesting passage. In Exodus 20 it says that we should not build our alters out of cut rocks and we should not have stairs so that others do not see our nakedness.

The altars you make for me must be simple altars of earth. Offer on such altars your sacrifices to me–your burnt offerings and peace offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle. Build altars in the places where I remind you who I am, and I will come and bless you there. If you build altars from stone, use only uncut stones. Do not chip or shape the stones with a tool, for that would make them unfit for holy use. And you may not approach my altar by steps. If you do, someone might look up under the skirts of your clothing and see your nakedness. [Exodus 20: 24-26]

All over, especially in America, you see many magnificent church buildings. They have huge auditoriums, specially lit stages, and huge video projection systems, how does this help us to know God? I think it may help attract some people who like to be anonymous in a crowd, because it’s more comfortable than a small home group, over time (a long, long time) they may get to the place where they live there faith on more than just Sundays. However though, in my experience, and especially with people my age, I do not see people worshipping God with their lifestyle.

I think the institution has killed discipleship and accountability. Many people will argue that we cannot force this onto people, but I think we also cannot ignore it and let them feel all good inside, just because we are too afraid that we might offend them. I also do not see enough leaders taking the initiative to train up more leaders and disciples. We have built our altars out of cut stone with many tools. We have many stairs (both physical and metaphorical) just to “enter” the altar.

Yet, Jesus taught in the synagogues, I believe because he went where the people were comfortable learning about God. This may still be true today, I met God in a church that met in a high school music room, God can be met anywhere. I think each of us needs to be aware of our culture and the emerging generation, what is important to us, to them? In Seattle I know many people my age who are comfortable going to an old cathedral with a service of monks (there not really monks but that’s what most people think) singing just to “feel” a “higher being.” This tells me that even my generation wants God, they just want to find Him on there own, not there parents, and certainly not someone else’s experience. Unfortunately, many people are not the type to just go into a church and really try to see God, they see the people and their mistakes, but they do not see God. This is why I believe we (the entire body) should work and live among the world, but be in strong fellowship (the early church virtually lived together and saw each other everyday!).


I want to be effective in my generation and culture. I cast down my idols, give me clean hands and a pure heart. Let me not lift my soul to another. Let this generation be a generation that seeks your face! I ask for forgiveness for my transgressions. I ask you to help raise up leaders and disciples who are willing to live there life 24/7 for you. Help us build true altars from our hearts for you Lord with our lives and our relationships with others. I give you thanks for everything in my life, including these hard times, you have never left me although I have doubted. Cast down your enemies and show us the way to build your Kingdom. Let it be in your name!

Marriage thoughts…

I ran across some verses that, in my Christian walk, have not been discussed much. Paul is instructing the church in Corinth on Christian marriage…

Now, for those who are married I have a command that comes not from me, but from the Lord. A wife must not leave her husband. But if she does leave him, let her remain single or else go back to him. And the husband must not leave his wife. Now, I will speak to the rest of you, though I do not have a direct command from the Lord. If a Christian man has a wife who is an unbeliever and she is willing to continue living with him, he must not leave her. And if a Christian woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he is willing to continue living with her, she must not leave him. For the Christian wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the Christian husband brings holiness to his marriage. Otherwise, your children would not have a godly influence, but now they are set apart for him. (But if the husband or wife who isn’t a Christian insists on leaving, let them go. In such cases the Christian husband or wife is not required to stay with them, for God wants his children to live in peace.) You wives must remember that your husbands might be converted because of you. And you husbands must remember that your wives might be converted because of you. [1 Cor 7:10-16]

This suggests to me that marriage is an incredible life-long commitment for the Christian marriage, even in difficult situations such as being married to an unbeliever. Thankfully God does want us to live in peace and if it comes down to it we can do what is needed. I have a very high respect for those who are married to non-believers, I can only imagine (since many of my friends and family are not believers) what frustrations arise.

The other passage is in first Timothy:

Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons. These teachers are hypocrites and liars. They pretend to be religious, but their consciences are dead. They will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanksgiving by people who know and believe the truth. Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it. We may receive it gladly, with thankful hearts. For we know it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. [1 Tim 4:1-5]

This is along slightly different lines but it makes me wonder about today, many people no longer “believe” in marriage. It is something which God did create, for one man and one woman (please I don’t want to go there, and I will turn off comments if it does). But today people are not living by this, it just makes me wonder about the “last times.” I know we will never know and he will come when we least expect it and we should always be ready, so I will be, but I think a little curiosity (in wisdom) never killed anyone.

PS. I’ve changed the commenting system, I’m now back to Haloscan full time, I got it to mimic the features of Blogger’s system but with the great features it has always had.

Job Searching

I spent my spare time this weekend job searching. I’m mostly just poking around at different job search sites checking out what’s available in Seattle. A part of me wants to work for a Christian organization and another part, the stronger part, is saying to work in the secular world. Plus, for the skills and experience I have, there isn’t much out there in the Christian world. Therefore, it looks like I’m going to be a missionary in my own backyard, at least for a while, until God calls me elsewhere.

I’ve looked at a couple of places, one being Resolute an IT solutions provider, and the other Microsoft, I think you know who they are. I’ve submitted my résumé to Intercristo, a Christian job search agency. I have a great peace though that I will have a job that is challenging and will move me into the next season of my life.

PS. I’ve added a couple of new links under “departures” some interesting articles and things that I’ve found over my months here. Also, Carol (one of the missionaries I work with here) has just started her own blog over at “Time for Coffee” stop by, have a cup and chat. Over the next few weeks she’ll be moving into this blogosphere give her a big welcome.

Ronald Reagan 1911-2004

We knew the day would come. I had barely started elementary school when he left office, however I will always admire his style and charisma. May his work continue to bless our nation, and may his words always have wisdom for generations to come. The Lord has taken him home at this time for a reason, he has moved onto the more beautiful side of life. We all will slip away into eternity, what have we done with our life here? Seize the day and know that we were meant to live for so much more.

I had barely started elementary school when he left office, however I will always admire his style and charisma. May his work continue to bless our nation, and may his words always have wisdom for generations to come. The Lord has taken him home at this time for a reason, he has moved onto the beautiful side of life. We all will slip away into eternity, what have we done with our life here? Seize the day, we were meant to live for so much more.

To add to my dreams that I posted yesterday, I sometimes dream of being the President of the United States. Not for the power, not for the fame, not for money, and not even for the chance to travel. I dream of being President because I believe in making a difference, a positive difference, THE difference. But I want to see a world changed for Jesus, some may say that a Jesus freak could never be elected.

The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. [John 14:12]

This is how I feel right now . . .

Listening to: Innocence – Seventh Day Slumber – Picking Up the Pieces

Am I leaving life behind?
Was I living life at all?
Will I still need to run and hide?
Or have I really found the answer?

Over and over again
I am spiraling into nothing

What I mean is I don’t know
Exactly what it is I mean
The things I don’t wanna do, I do
What I wanna do, I don’t

Over and over again
I am spiraling
[Seventh Day Slumber: Spiraling]

This is me . . .

Must be some mistake
‘Cause I’m not worth the price you paid.
With every passing hour
I convince myself that you saw something in me.
But I can hear them still,
As the whispers laced with hatred fill the room.
Guess I’m wasting my time
How could you love a man like me?

Lord I need your strength
‘Cause I am weak and falling to my knees.
Who is on my side?
‘Cause I can’t tell my friends from enemies.
Filling up with pain.
Bitterness controls the air I breathe.
What am I fighting for?
Do you have a plan for me?

Must be some mistake.
‘Cause I’m not worth the price you paid.
[Seventh Day Slumber: My Struggle]

I played the fool so long
Thought I was so strong
All the while You knew it wasn’t true
Rerunning in my mind
Memories of another time
When all I ever lived for
Was You

Make me the man You want me to be
Make me the man You want me to be

I’ve been listening all my life
Words are spoken all the time
I have heard the liars and the true
Voices twisting in the air
Sweetly sounding so unclear
But nothing can replace a word
From You

A child is but for so long
Turn around those days are gone
Nothing can replace the years of youth
I have swallowed lies
That tasted true
The plans I thought were sent from You
When all You wanted was for me
To be still

The burning in the heart
Of man’s deepest desire
Is rising like a flame

The burning in the heart
Of our deepest desire
Rising like a flame
Burning higher and higher
Burning in the heart
Of our deepest desire
Is to know You
[Phil Joel: The Man You want]

Listening to: Running Away – Seventh Day Slumber – Picking Up the Pieces

I have a dream

I like to dream about all kinds of things, I would like to think it’s all spiritual, but frankly it isn’t, I don’t know if it is “wrong” for a Christian to dream like this, I’m leaning towards the “it’s not setting your sights on heaven” edge… I’ll look into it later, for now I’m going to dream… Yes, I am satisfying a fleshly desire, but is it all that fleshly?

I wouldn’t mind living in a house like this one. My dream housePainted and designed in strong colors, each room would have its own theme and the furniture would match. We would have art featuring all the places we’ve been and the people we know. It would be a place where many people could come together and discuss things, play games, and have parties. It would be inviting, comfortable, and safe.

I would like to have a job where I interact with people in a new way every day. Where I could work in a team and help build projects and improvise on ideas. I want to work in an environment that promotes creativity and designing. I want to be a leader and a follower.

Whatever neighborhood I am in, I want to help create a sense of community in it. I want my neighbors to know they are always welcomed and we will host neighborhood block parties. I want my neighborhood to truly come together and know that they are like family.

I want to connect people with other people around the world. I want to build a program that connects people in my city with people in other parts of the world to depend on God. Some kind of internship program that exchanges people to serve cross culturally, in this way they learn to see God in a different way and take it back to their home countries where they can be more effective than any foreign-missionary.

I want all kinds of things, but I believe they are all interconnected, somehow, some way. I can dream right?

Feeling pressured

I feel this strange pressure to write something on here. Hmmm… Well I’m not going to give into it, or have I just by posting this? Well, huh. Whatever, now I feel like talking…

So, Thanks for all your prayers as of late, life seems to be taking on a good direction and Alexis and I are doing quite well. There are a lot of things people take into relationships, some good, some not, some just completely opposite from the other person. Getting to know a person who you just might marry is a lot of work. I think a lot of people have no clue what it takes to really do what it takes for marriage. So many people think “We are perfect for each other”… and they don’t take any second thoughts nor do they even try to figure out what problems may lay ahead. I certainly was blind-sided for a while with these past issues, much of it was pride on my part, and the rest was simply that I was raised differently and had different expectations and didn’t quite know how to handle the problems. So, now I know and I will always seek wise counsel before acting on my own feelings, which many of them I had no idea why I was feeling that way, I just was… scary. Now I know and I know something similar could happen again but now I know I’ll need to really investigate me first before trying to fix her.