Tweets for the past week

  • Living beyond behavior, instead, choosing to be in the identity of the One who sees and loves past behavior. #
  • For sale: heavy duty desk, wall-mounted shelves and cabinet, large filing drawers, u-shaped, good condition? #
  • I hate it when I need a restroom on the MAX 🙁 I guess I could do what some do, no thanks I'll hold it. #
  • @ledub13 I'm sure the $6 million bonus is on its way 😉 #
  • Some courtesy pls. Someone blasting their music & two people cussing and speaking very loudly on their cells. #trimet #stopbeingrude #love #
  • @romanmir yup doesn't it? in reply to romanmir #
  • @LeafandInk yes imagine! #seeingbeyondbehavior in reply to LeafandInk #
  • I need some frutis and veggies… I think I'm having a low of something. #
  • Is something really a value or priority if you can't see it on your schedule? #
  • Oh fun on a MAX train with some crazy guy yelling at the top of his lungs DIE! GOT A DOLLAR? #
  • Sweet! Just updated my Android to 2.2.1 with Cyanogen 6.1 rc1 and now have HSPA speed (3G+/4G). Thought that reqrd new phone, nope! #
  • @divinediscount T-Mobile MyTouch #
  • @romanmir T-Mobile MyTouch #

Share your life more and gain so much more!


Acts 2:46 NLT

They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity.

Everytome I read this verse my heart grieves because deep down it seems so right and yet deeply troubling to actually live out. I long for it, both Alexis and I do, it’s exactly what we feel is the core to our mission in Poland. But the “how” is enormously bigger than us. Which it’s that very reason we contend for it.

Imagine life in constant connection with fellow believers, the support, the encouragement, the love. You might be thinking “yeah right, I can hardly stand an hour in church!” This might be true but let me provide some perspective.

You see, we’re not talking about living in a commune, we’re talking about living intentionally. Living near one another, meeting daily for mutual encouragement and teaching. That could be 2 people for coffee/tea or that could be 20 to pick up garbage around the neighborhood. It could be having a discussion about God on Facebook or it could be sharring our arts and talents with our surrounding community.

I think we have a hard time imagining such a life because we live in the world on a day to day basis and meet together once for an hour. So the majority of us are surrounded with world influences which drain us and bring us to our ends. Having our passion fanned by fellow believers each day, while different and probably at times difficult, at least will allow for God to move (assuming we are genuinely surrendered to Him). It’s kind of scary, yet who can be against us when he is for us?

Be intentional, love, give, live. Then we may be equipped to reach our world, energized, in love, and full of love that is beyond this world’s understanding.

The stuck thoughts


Sometimes it seems that my thoughts and ideas don’t really mean anything. Most of the time I figure most people probably don’t care and/or are not open minded enough to consider other ideas. Yeah, I know, jaded and cynical, honestly though within my sphere this is the general attitude. Please note I said general, I know awesome, open minded people as well.

So because of this jaded view many of my thoughts get stuck. This, my friends, is people pleasing at its best. Not able to pontificate my ideas and thoughts because I think others don’t care? Dumb.

I also sometimes can’t meet my own standards, for instance, I prefer to not get political mostly because I have strong thoughts and it seems somehow everyone else in my circle either doesn’t care or are the extream at one end or another. I prefer longer more fleshed out discussions and most of the time life doesn’t dish out the opportunity.

So all this just to say, there’s actually a lot going on in me, it’s just a matter of priming the pump and stop being so concerned about others. All while honoring my values to stay on the high road, honoring God, and respecting humanity.

Ultimate love


Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. This is something I’m learning all to well, and it’s not about me waiting but rather for some others. I’ve finally come to peace on the fact no matter how “at peace” and “reconciled” I am about something, I sometimes need everyone else to reach that point on their own.

I tend to regain trust and forgive people quickly, sometimes at a fault, and many times within God’s boundary. However, there are times where as much as I feel things need to move faster, it simply can’t be rushed, my convictions cannot be used to convince others to trust.

Rather my role is to pray, listen, and speak truth of God’s kingdom. Patient endurance is both ugly and beautiful. My heart longs for both reconciliation and healing and sometimes the healing piece takes time to grow so that reconciliation and love can thrive.

The ultimate love is free will without interference.

Tweets for the past week

  • Not feeling "on the ball" today… I think I need to shave, I feel dirty, then maybe I'll feel alive. #
  • Ok twitterverse and Facebook land you failed to entertain me on this ride home. But my devo time was great. #
  • 35*200 = awesome #ftw #
  • Um, could totally use some motivation, right, about, now! #
  • Needs to get out of this groove. Not a new groove, I don't want any groove. #
  • Um, just heard some Guy on his cell say "I'm heading into a subway tunnel, I'm gunna lose you" #trimet MAX blue estbnd frm downtown #lie #
  • Can't wait to see Emma in her lion costume later today! Warning to co-workers, scare Emma, & Alexis pulls out her black belt tae-kwon-do! #

Tweets for the past week

  • Not a lot to say, just enjoying the sun and happy to be back with Alexis and Emma 🙂 Got a lot of emails to write, fun. #
  • I just want to be home with my girls. #
  • Ok, full speed ahead. #
  • A little girl decided to keep us up last night by letting us know all about the baby bear…that story is why I'm running late this morning. #
  • Bussing it to Gresham due to Obama visit. #trimet #pdxobama #obamatraffic #
  • Bussing it to Gresham due to Obama visit. #trimet #pdxobama #obamatraffic #
  • Very glad I took bus 4, by MAX I would've never made it to Gresham by 7, #trimet MAX shutdown near conv cntr for 20 min b/c of #obamapdx #
  • It has happened: go to work in the dark and leave in the dark. #
  • ths whole weak has bn a weak of "hi-jacking" at work… distraction after distraction from the stuff that needs 2 B done. Yet, interesting. #
  • Dzięki Bogu jest piątek. Następny przystanek Seattle! #

Tweets for the past week

  • Sad that tonight is my last night in Poland :*( – Had a great time, simply visiting without any special expectations gave God room to move! #
  • My last night in Europe, tomorrow the great adventure back home begins. Can't wait to see Alexis and Emma!!! Missing them so much! #
  • In Houston waiting for my last flight home! FYI IAH (Houston Airport) is a fantastic international transfer point, fast, & easy! #
  • A pretty good day back at work and so good to see my girls at home! 🙂 #

Tweets for the past week

  • Bread crumb number 2: I only have to work two days this week. #
  • Bread crumb number 3: #
  • Bread crumb number 4: going offline for a couple hours, SFO next. #
  • No more bread crumbs until after 9:45am CET. I think I hear wedding bells. #
  • Ok safely in Frankfurt, Germany with Aris for his big wedding day Saturday. Thank God for all the miles free ticket is the best kind 🙂 #
  • Had a great day with old friends in Frankfurt. Hopefully tomorrow the jet lag will wear off. Missing my girls terribly! #
  • America meet Mr. and Mrs. Maniatis! #
  • Fantastic wedding for Aris and Cristina. Tomorrow is church in Frankfurt then off to Poland 🙂 #
  • @humblethorn I am 🙂 in reply to humblethorn #
  • Plan for today:fra >> muc >> krk : Nowy Targ — yay #

No social club here

DSC_0072.JPGOne thing I have noticed about today’s culture is that so many of us go about our day seeking the next best opportunity, the next best opportunity to fulfill some kind of desire, wound, status, name your “wants”, for our selves. We are seek the highs of life, we go from one experience to the next. Seeking the experiential highs of life, afraid to make commitments just in case “something better comes along”. Even worse, we cancel our commitments when something better does come up, or we cancel because we decide, “uh, no I really won’t have fun with him/her”.

I witness this kind of mind set all to often, and you know what it is exactly the same inside the Church and outside. So it’s not a Church problem, it’s a culture problem. Sure, I believe the Church needs to address it, but it is very hard to address something for which we have bought into, and sometimes we even encourage it. We encourage it with our worship services, with our snazzy programs, etc. I thank God that I’m in a community (aka, my church) which strives very hard to not promote this, however, the pressure is on and it shows it’s nasty little head quite often.

The genesis of this posting wasn’t really the obvious disregard for other people’s needs that I see each day, it actually came when I observed my elders buying into this. When I say elders I don’t mean the “council” or “deacons” or “leaders” or “pastors” at my church, I mean the people I respect in my life who are a generation or more ahead of me. With much disgust (from my perspective) I’ve recently seen the very people I respect, love, and look up to, make decisions on their commitments in the exact same way I see much of our “pop” culture doing. With things such as “well, we didn’t feel we were needed”, and “I just wasn’t experiencing what I wanted”.

Now these are blanket statements, that need more context, and to be fair, “sound bites” and small quotes never paint the full picture. However I hope you’re getting my drift. You see, I think it bothers me more coming from my elders because I (and many more as many of my friends have stated too) desire for them to lead me. I guess it’s a sense of abandonment, a sense that, well if I don’t get what I “want” or if I don’t “feel” what I want to, then I should just go somewhere else. I want to scream and make it known, WE WANT YOU, we CARE, and we NEED you. Obviously there are two sides to this coin. I need to speak up (and my peers), and we all need to pay attention to the generations below us, no matter where we are.

You see, I don’t see the Church as a social club, it’s not optional, and it’s not something we shop around for, it’s community, it’s intentional connection, it’s seeking God, seeking God’s hand through others, and seeking to be used by God. Of course it doesn’t mean sticking around some place trying to live authentically when no one else will, and it certainly doesn’t mean staying some place where you’re being abused (in any way shape or form). What it does mean, is being intentional about meeting the needs of others, and allowing God to be bigger, humbling yourself to serve, and not seeking the experience, but instead, seeking the one who has done it all, so that we can be the light he has called us to be, in serving and proclaiming, with love and truth. Our culture is hard, and I run into the stumbling blocks all the time, I have a hard time thinking outside the culture so that I can reach the culture, it’s not easy, but I strive for it. It’s like the picture, all pretty outside, but stinky inside, yet it meets the need and provides relief.

This little thought brought to you by 1 Peter 5:1-11

1 And now, a word to you who are elders in the churches. I, too, am an elder and a witness to the sufferings of Christ. And I, too, will share in his glory when he is revealed to the whole world. As a fellow elder, I appeal to you:2 Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God.3 Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example.4 And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor.
5 In the same way, you younger men must accept the authority of the elders. And all of you, serve each other in humility, for

“God opposes the proud
but favors the humble.”s

6 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.9 Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisterss all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.
10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.11 All power to him forever! Amen.