
One of my biggest pet peeves is non commitment! It drives me nuts when people change from church to church, place to place, group to group, or just don’t go for some “feeling”. We talk about giving our lives to Christ, 100%, but then we let the whims of our flesh decide our path. Now, of course I’m not talking about being sick, going on vacation, etc. I’m talking about the person who doesn’t know from week to week (or whatever the case may be) what they will commit to for that week. “Oh, yeah, that sounds great, my friends will be there so I’ll go.” You know that’s great for checking something out, or even maybe supporting a friend in making some changes… but our faith is not in people, people will always disappoint, always, at some point. Our faith is in Jesus, the creator of everything, I do believe he will guide us, he created everything we see, he can and does certainly create our paths, when we let Him, to be magnificent.

When the church I was saved in (I don’t like the term saved, but it’s the easiest to use, rather than, the church where I gave my life to Jesus, lol, I said it anyway) went through a pastoral change I was devastated, I wasn’t sure where or what I would do. So, amazingly (wish I did it more these days) prayed to God for a direction, he specifically said wait six months. After that six months, I began going to another church’s young adults group (where I met Alexis a year later), however God asked me to stay in the old church for yet another six months; although I was being fed at the new church. If I hadn’t listed to God, and hadn’t set my last Sunday for September 1st, 2002, I would have never heard Carol and Denise speak about Poland. In addition, if I hadn’t listened to God about staying in Poland after I so desperately wanted to return home I would have never met Dan Russell, which in turn means Alexis and I would have never come to Gresham and experienced the life changing place of East Hill Church, where Alexis and I call home now… I’m not even sure Alexis and I would be married… but that’s for God and not me to know 🙂

You see, I know that because I let God draw those paths, and let Him tell me where to be committed, even though it was hard, the best has come of it. It is so frustrating for me, especially with people around my age, it seems day to day “commitments” are always changing, not to mention things like relationships! That’s a whole different post.


I’m so tired that I can’t even really get to sleep! My mind is overactive and I have a feeling of dullness inside. Probably this is all due to being over-tired… I should get to sleep. I’m having another rough start to a week, it seems Mondays bring around at least opression, if not a bit of depression, I’m just fried by this time of the week. These are the days that I MUST (but have no desire) get into God, reading His word, being in prayer, and being open with people, but instead my flesh takes over, and my spirit seems dry.

It’s not as bad as it seems

So, I tried posting this entry from my phone a couple of times the other day and it just never made it. On Thursday morning I witnessed one of the most amazing sun rises over Mt. Hood, it was fantastic. I was humbled because the sunrise reminded me of God’s full goodness; and most of the time I do not give him enough credit for all of the amazing, big and small, things he does in my life, and in the world each and every day. Instead I tend to focus on what the enemy is/has/will/seems to be doing. While it is important to discern what is from God and what is from the enemy, I want to be a person who focuses on God’s work, it is much more encouraging and gives me energy.

I praise God that he has sent his Holy Spirit to all of his believers, to guide me and all of us into the true light. So, take a moment and give God what he deserves, your praise. He is good.

Lord, I know your grace is enough, it is all I need. My flesh must be cut away and my spirit must come fourth if I am to fully embrace your goodness. May my choices bring honor and glory to you. May my choices be your will as what is done in heaven. May my choices be of forgiveness, grace, and mercy as you have endleslly given us. May I choose to eat of your bread each day. May my choices give you glory, honor, and power. In Jesus’ name – Amen.

Life Lessons

The pastor at our church challenged us about a month ago to really journal, now I have been journaling for the most part everyday the last four years. Well, except the last year, it’s been more like once to three times a week, there are a number of reasons as to what caused this change, mostly due to apathy and being “busy”. Well, I really am trying to change this and get back into journaling and blogging, I enjoy writing and I know God has gifted me with the ability to write for a reason. So, our pastor gave the entire congregation on Wednesday night what he calls “life lessons”, it’s a journal with a reading plan, and a very simple journaling plan. It’s what Jason (our pastor) calls “S.O.A.P.” which stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. This is kind of what I

A New Year Has Come

Well, I was going to link to a video of the weekend before Christmas service at our church, but they don’t have it on the website anymore. We now have to pay to see old services… I would like to know the rational behind that one. Anyway. My wife did a wonderful dance/sign language interpretation to Celine Dion’s “A New Day has come”, maybe I can get some video of it at some point. Anyway the words are great and you can apply it to the new year.

A new day has…come
I was waiting for so long For a miracle to come
Everyone told me to be strong Hold on and don’t shed a tear
Through the
darkness and good times I knew I’d make it through And the world thought I had
it all But I was waiting for you
Hush, love
I see a light in the sky Oh,
it’s almost blinding me I can’t believe I’ve been touched by an angel with love
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears Let it fill my soul and drown my
fears Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun A new day has…come
it was dark now there’s light Where there was pain now there’s joy Where there
was weakness, I found my strength All in the eyes of a boy
Hush, love
see a light in the sky Oh, it’s almost blinding me I can’t believe I’ve been
touched by an angel with love Let the rain come down and wash away my tears Let
it fill my soul and drown my fears Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun A
new day has…come
A new day has…come Ohhh, a light… OOh

Prophetic words

I finally have typed up the prophetic words I have received over the past year. I have retro posted them to go where they should in my archives so that over time I can look and see what else God was doing, where he took me, and where he is taking me.

October of 2004 My first experience with healthy prophecy during my 1st year intern retreat. Basically God was calling me into the desert.

January of 2005 My second experience, Alexis and I were broken up, a time of hell in the desert.

September of 2005 The third experience, amazing, God shows His face through the whole thing and previous prophecy is shown to have come to past. Alexis and I received this one together. The promise land is nearing, but there is still work to be done.

Intern retreat round 2

[This is a retro-published post, actually posted on Nov 12, 2005 – I wanted these words to be posted into my archives on the right day to line up with my life at that time]
Again we went to the amazing Oregon coast for our intern retreat this year. This time instead of each Intern prophesying over each other a lady named Barb Jackson came, taught, and randomly prophesied. It was amazing, and what God said through her to Alexis and I (we received the word together) is nothing short of amazing – we were crying like babies at the end, because God totally rocked our world. The rest is history:

When we go as full-time over there. That will happen. We are in training, and it’s been rough, the finances haven’t been right, but they will come, we will go, but not before we are sent -don’t go before sent… If we go before we are sent we will come back, bruised as in ACTS 19. The enemy will try to make us think we can’t wait (within 6 months), don’t listen to that voice, remember this WORD. Be faithful in all the training, in the right time, humble ourselves under his hand, and he will exalt us… God will Send us out with ordination and with supporters, commissioning, start with house church, evangelize the area, a few contacts will give us the hands and lift up the resources. God says we will be known in that place as the people with the word of the LORD. It’s not going to be a “regular house church” People will know they can get their needs met, physically, spiritually, word of prophecy over the people, healing, words of knowledge and wisdom, food, the vision will be. Churches will grow fast, split so fast, we will need to split into two… won’t get a building big enough…. Just a handful in each. Churches where his voice will be heard. We will know the time for marriage…. There will be a right time for marriage, God will unite us. Don’t jump ahead. TWO will put ten thousand… God has given us the green light the word for our lives, the time, and method are still yellow lights… caution don’t run ahead. wait until the light is green. Those who are over us in the spirit will tell us the green light at the same time we sense it in our hearts. Be cautious The enemy will try to stop us in our tracks. Just like the enemy tried to tell with Peter told Jesus not to go to Calvary… but the timing was right, the timing will come. We will have that green light. God says there will be nothing at that time he will withhold. John 14:12-13 – Us who believe on him… God will be accelerating our training, we will be stretched, and feel like we don’t have enough time… Burn the oil at midnight if we must. For a time and a season we need to push in… be obedient, obey, obey, obey 3x. God will take us both down to the third obedience, where we will sow our lives for those people. Sow our lives for those people, we will love them to the end. They will know the love… that love will require our lives. That love will go through our whole lives. Our message will be the love of the father’s heart. As we go forward in obedience to him… we will fulfill the father’s heart. He will say “well done, good and faithful servant”.